The Story Of Nana, A Woman With Three Stars, Is It Hazardous?

JAKARTA - Nana's (49) life experience from Jakarta while attending a discussion about breast cancer made participants surprised. Nana consults with an oncology consultant surgeon Dr. dr. Samuel Haryono, Sp.B (K) Onk hit a lump that appeared on one side of his body.

As the results of the latest medical examination, the lump in Nana's right armpit turned out to be the third breast, which suddenly appeared since she was 26 years old.

According to Dr Samuel, Nana's third breast is an addition or accessories. This mostly appears in the armpits, and in a number of cases there are other parts of the body such as under the armpit to the stomach and generally only in the form of nipples.

Samuel, who is a member of the Indonesian Oncology Surgery Association (PERABOI), said that this condition rarely occurs with cases of only one percent in the community population.

Actually what is the third breast and how does Nana get it? To ANTARA Nana said, her right armpit suddenly grew when she was 26 years old. At that time he was not married. Sometimes there is discomfort and pain in his right armpit that is growing.

When pregnant at the age of 29, Nana found that her right armpit was getting bigger and her size grew when she gave birth - approximately the size of a kampong egg. However, after breastfeeding, the right armpit shrinks even though it is still larger than the left armpit.

At first, Nana thought it was a tumor, so she consulted a doctor who practices in the Depok area, West Java. The doctor then diagnosed Nana as having a third breast.

Nana was then asked to consult a surgeon at a hospital in the Jakarta area. He then got an X-ray and then he realized that it was not a tumor but a breast gland that grew in his armpit.

Quoted from ANTARA, the doctor advised him to undergo surgery for fear of growing into cancer cells. But Nana hasn't done it until the gland has been in her armpits for the past 23 years.

Even so, he underwent ultrasound and mamography (examination of the breast gland with X-ray) for early detection of breast cancer. The results of the ultrasound a year ago showed no signs of cancer in his right armpit.

What Nana experienced was also experienced by a woman named Nicole in the United States in 2018. She, as reported by the media, has a lump in her right armpit for 11 years which is also said to be the third breast. In an interview, Nicole explained that this lump was the size of a baseball and appeared since she breastfed her first daughter.

Certified dermatologist in the United States Dr. Sandra Lee examined Nicole's armpits and found fat tissue there. After conducting a number of examinations, she said Nicole's third breasts were a gynecomastia accessory. This lump appears when a small number of breast tissues move into her armpits and then expand after Nicole becomes pregnant.

Meanwhile, Klatation expert Getty Greenman, IBCLC from the consulting organization and health specialist Breastfeeding with Love said that several people happened to be born with extra breast tissue in their armpit area. This condition is not only experienced by women but also men.

In line with Samuel, he said, the percentage of this incident was only one to two percent of the population. According to Greenman, the extra breast gland tissue is usually located in the armpit area and may not be noticed until someone experiences hormonal changes that make it clearer.

Lactication can cause additional breast tissue to increase and or produce milk, so it may experience fluctuating swelling.

Greenman said some doctors might recommend hot or cold compresses to deal with these swellings. Then, in some cases, they may recommend surgery to remove extra breast tissue.

It is important to check for talk about the causes of lumps in the armpits, including inflammation, mastitis or swelling during breastfeeding, abscesses, cysts, tame lumps, and malignant tumors. Therefore, it is important to get the help of health experts if someone sees worrying changes.

On the other hand, there are also cases of a third tornado, namely additional tornadoes on the chest which are usually smaller than ordinary nipples and are often misinterpreted as flies or birth certificates. The third spot is common and is usually harmless. In some conditions, this tornado does not need to be dissected for health reasons.

The third layer can be anywhere in the chest and often form before birth and along the curved lines from the armpits to both sides of the body. When an extra tornado occurs alone or just a tornado, it is referred to as polythelia. However, when a third tornado is connected to the tissue and the breast gland, it is called polymastia.

If a person experiences polymastia, the extra breast tissue is prone to the same disease that can affect breast tissue in general.

In rare cases, a third tornado can be a sign of congenital breast defects or early signs of growth or malignant tumors. A number of medical references noted that one gene that can cause extra nipples, called the Scaramanga gene, also allows extra nipples to catch breast cancer, just like regular breasts.

Consulting with the doctor is also necessary if an extra tornado forms a new bump, hard tissue, or rash in the area. Doctors usually have to check for extra nipples if an abnormal liquid comes out of the nipples.

A person should consult a doctor if an extra tornado causes discomfort due to breastfeeding pain or spreading pain, to find out if there is a right choice of treatment or surgery in handling it.