Chief Justice Of Constitutional Court Inaugurated Honorary Council Of Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman took the oath as well as inaugurated members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court which consisted of Enny Nurbaningsih, I Dewa Gede Palguna, and Sudjito.

"Today, Thursday, I am the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court hereby officially inaugurating you as a member of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court," said Chief Justice Anwar Usman as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 9.

The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court believes and believes that the three members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court can or will work and carry out their duties as well as possible in accordance with the responsibilities given.

Before carrying out their duties as members of the MK Honorary Council, the three of them first took an oath according to their respective religions. The three, namely Enny Nurbaningsih, I Dewa Gede Palguna, and Sudjito stated that they were ready to be sworn in directly guided by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

"That I will be loyal and obedient to Pancasila and the 1945 State Constitution and will implement all statutory regulations as strictly as possible for the sake of my service to the nation and state," said Anwar Usman which was then followed by the three members of the MK Honorary Council.

Anwar Usman reminded the three members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court to do something or not do something in the tasks entrusted to them, not to accept directly or indirectly from anyone anything promised or given. Whether in any form that is allegedly or co-allegedly contrary directly or indirectly to the assigned task.

"I will keep secret something which, according to its nature or according to an order, must be kept secret," said the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, who was joined by the three members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court.

The three members of the Honorary Council swear that they will maintain integrity, be disciplined, dedicated, professional, and not abuse their authority, including avoiding disgraceful acts.

Members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court swear that they will work in an orderly, thorough, clean, enthusiastic manner for the benefit of the nation and the state.