There Is No Corona Virus At PLTU Celukan Bawang

DENPASAR - Not a single employee from PT General Energy Bali has been hit by the corona virus. Anticipating measures for handling the corona virus have also been taken at PLTU Celukan Bawang which has hundreds of foreign workers from China.

This affirmation was conveyed by the Vice Manager of the General Affairs Department of PT General Energy Bali, Indriati Tanu Tanto at the Anvaya Hotel, Denpasar, Bali, February 6, 2020. A press conference was held at the same time to fend off the various oblique issues that have befallen PLTU Celukan Bawang related to the spread of the corona virus.

There are 162 foreign workers from China at PLTU Celukan Bawang. Of that number, 56 employees returned to China to celebrate the Chinese New Year in mid-January.

Until now, these 56 employees have not been able to return to Buleleng, Bali because of the Chinese government's policy which prohibits people from traveling. This is not to mention the latest policy from the Indonesian government which also prohibits airlines from flying to and from China.

"What needs to be underlined is that our employees come from Beijing and Shanghai. None of them are from Wuhan," said Indriati.

Previously, the leadership of the Celukan Bawang PLTU had also instructed the foreign workers not to return to work until the situation and conditions were declared safe by the authorities from the Chinese Government and the Government of Indonesia. But their health condition in China is not a problem.

"We have no deadlines, we will comply with government policies," explained Indriati while denying the issue of employees resigning due to the corona virus.

Last February 1, actually there were 4 people from China who set foot in Denpasar. The Celukan Bawang PLTU officials have undergone a medical check-up at BIMC Siloam Nusa Dua with healthy results. But considering that there is an incubation period for the corona virus that must be watched out for, the four people still receive supervision from the Health Office.

"We put it in a safe and comfortable place. We make sure we don't interact with outsiders," continued Indriati.

Indriati said, his party also moved quickly when the corona virus was announced to have spread from China. PLTU Celukan Bawang has taken anticipatory measures.

"Contacted the Buleleng Regency Health Office and asked for instructions on the procedure for dealing with the spread of the corona virus in the Celukan Bawang PLTU area," said Indirati.

Spraying of disinfectants is routinely carried out in a number of corners at PLTU Celukan Bawang. Even spraying it to the employee mess.

"PLTU Celukan Bawang also provides masks and hand sanitizers at several predetermined points," he concluded.