At Commission VII's Face, PLN Boss Disbursed 6 Departments Of Face 2023

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo today met with Commission VII DPR RI to hold a Hearing Meeting (RDP). During the meeting, Darmawan revealed six strategies carried out by PLN in the year.

"We have continued the transformation program that we have carried out since three years ago so that we can become a more lean company, Green and of course be able to provide the best service for customers," Darmawan said at the RDP in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 8.

First, PLN will increase the efficiency of the company through optimizing electricity operations and also strengthening digitization in all lines. Second, PLN will also improve corporate performance through developing business portfolios and unlocking the company's value.

"In all lines, we are digitizing so that our cost structure is getting better, PLN is getting more efficient at this time. Third, we will also continue the energy transition program so that it can achieve the Net Zero Emission (NZE) target in 2060," added Darmawan.

Darmawan is optimistic that in 2023 PLN can create company operational and financial performance better than 2022. Moreover, this is supported by PLN's great steps in forming Sub-Holding. This restructuring, said Darmawan, encourages PLN to innovate as a future technology-based energy company.

"The restructuring of Holding Sub-Holding has changed the PLN organization. The business process is complex, concise and efficient. Services are slow and complicated, becoming excellent service and very responsive," said Darmawan.

Darmawan said PLN's fourth step would also increase the Electrifying Lifestyle campaign to the whole community. In addition to inviting people to contribute to reducing emissions, as well as responding to changes in people's modern lifestyles.

Fifth, PLN also conducts beyond kWh business development where this line increase is to diversify the company's business by utilizing existing PLN assets, so as to increase customer experience.

Finally, PLN ensures that all company business and operational processes meet environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) standards.

"Through this principle, all programs carried out by PLN are expected to have a direct impact on society, the environment and the nation," concluded Darmawan.