Key Witness Passes Away, Edhy Prabowo: Innalillahi, Don't Know Me

JAKARTA - The former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo, admitted that he did not know PT Aero Citra Kargo (ACK) controller Deden Deni, who died some time ago.

Meanwhile, Deden Deni is one of the key witnesses in the case of alleged bribery for the export license of lobster or fries that ensnared Edhy. Deden passed away on Thursday, December 31, 2020.

"Innalillahi, you don't know me," said Edhy after being questioned by investigators at the KPK building, Jakarta, Monday, December 4.

Previously, Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri confirmed that Deden Deni had died. Deden died of illness. "The information we received concerned (Deden Deni) died around December 31," Ali said when confirmed.

Ali confirmed that the death of Deden Deni would not affect the investigation process in this bribery case. He said there were still many witnesses and other evidence that investigators could use to uncover this case.

"The process of investigating the case of the EP suspect (Edhy Prabowo) and his friends has not been disturbed. So far it is still ongoing and of course there are still many witnesses and other evidence that strengthens the evidence of a series of alleged corruption actions by the suspects," said Ali.

Deden is one of the witnesses who is suspected of knowing many things related to the bribery case of export fries.

Deden, who is said to be a Director of PT Perishable Logistic Indonesia (PLI), was briefly secured and examined intensively when the KPK held an OTT on November 25, 2020.

In addition, Deden was also examined by KPK investigators on December 7, 2020. At that time, investigators questioned Deden regarding the process of submitting an application for a lobster fry export permit at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

PT ACK is the only cargo company that Edhy Prabowo has approved of monopolizing the service of transshipment of fry to foreign countries with a transportation fee of Rp 1,800 per head.

In carrying out the monopoly of the cargo business, PT ACK uses PT PLI, which is part of the ATT Group, as the operator of the field for shipping fries abroad.

Deden's name was also one of four names prevented by the KPK from traveling abroad for the next six months.

Apart from Deden, three other names were prevented from traveling abroad, namely member of Commission V DPR from the Gerindra Faction Iis Rosita Dewi who is also the wife of Edhy Prabowo; Neti Herawati, the wife of PT ACK Siswadhy's management who also has the status of a suspect; and Dipo Tjahjo Pranoto who was said to be the controller of PT PLI.