BRI's Dividend And Tax Exchange To Capai Country IDR 136.5 Trillion In The Last 5 Years

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI recorded an accumulation of contributions to the state in the last 5 years reaching Rp136.5 trillion.

In detail, the amount of dividends and taxes deposited to the state is getting bigger, namely Rp. 24.28 trillion in 2018, then increasing to Rp. 26.56 trillion in 2019. Meanwhile, in 2020 and 2021 it was Rp. 28.39 trillion and Rp. 27.09 trillion.

As of September 2022, the amount of dividends and taxes deposited by BRI was IDR 30.20 trillion.

So that in total BRI's contribution in the last 5 years to state revenues has reached IDR 136.53 trillion, consisting of dividends paid to the Government amounting to IDR 49.40 trillion, corporate income tax paid to the Government amounting to IDR 47.83 trillion, discounted income tax. / levy and VAT Bea & Matrai amounted to IDR 39.30 trillion.

In this regard, BRI President Director Sunarso said that BRI as a state-owned company whose majority shares are owned by the government is obliged to deposit profits to the state.

"The deposit is in the form of dividends and taxes which in the end also return to the people," he said.

For this contribution, BRI was also successfully named the BUMN that gave the Best Dividend Contribution to the State. This appreciation was given by MetroTV at the State Industry of BUMN Presidential at Grand Studio Metro TV, at the end of last year. Sunarso is also optimistic that the contribution made by BRI through positive financial performance and continues to grow can increase its contribution to advancing the Indonesian economy.

This commitment was also proven, one of which was at the beginning of 2023, where the company carried out corporate actions in the capital market through the distribution of interim dividends of BBRI shares of IDR 8.63 trillion or IDR 57 per share. Of this total value, interim dividends of approximately IDR 4.59 trillion were deposited with the government and the remaining IDR 4.04 trillion was distributed to the public.

Not only through dividends and taxes, BRI's contribution to the state was also carried out through rescuing MSME actors affected by Covid-19 through credit restructuring. Where at the time of the 2020 pandemic, BRI noted that the highest position of restructuring was carried out to as many as 3.9 million customers (Sept 2020) with a restructuring value of IDR 256.1 trillion.

In addition, BRI also continues to encourage increased financial inclusion by providing the widest access to financial services through AgenBRILink, which amounts to 627 thousand agents with transactions of Rp1,298 trillion, and has reached 58,000 villages or covered >77 percent of total villages in Indonesia. Digitalization through Super Apps BRImo has also been used by more than 23.85 million users with a transaction value of Rp2,669 trillion.

In addition, empowerment for Ultra Micro business actors to advance to class is also continuously being built. Through Ultra Micro Holding, BRI managed to integrate >34 million ultra micro customers to be later empowered so that customer businesses could advance to class. This achievement is inseparable from the successful integration of SENYUM co-location services ( Ultra Micro Service Center) between BRI and PT Pegadaian and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) which have reached 1,003 locations.