Fact Check: Chain Message Hoax 75GB Study Quota Only Valid Until January 10

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force Hoax Buster page straightens the chain messages circulating on the WhatsApp instant message application regarding the 75GB study quota that will expire on January 10, 2021.

"Based on the search for the link with the address subsidized.kuotabelajar.xyz, it is not the official page of the learning quota subsidy program from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud)," wrote the covid19.go.id page, Monday, January 4.

Footage of message circulating about Study Quota (doc. Turnbackhoax)

In his explanation, the education quota subsidy program from the Ministry of Education and Culture can only be accessed through the quota-belajar.kemdikbud.go.id link. As for now, there has been no decision to stop subsidizing the study quota.

A similar mode occurred some time ago, with the upload of an article entitled "3rd WAVE Free Internet Quota from Operators!" or "2nd WAVE 50 GB Free Internet Quota from Operators"

"Based on this explanation, the chain message content falls into the Fake Content category," quoted the turnbackhoax page.