Press Accident Rate, Police Tighten Vehicle Drivers Playing With HP In Riau Islands

RIAU - Riau Islands Police (Kepri) has tightened monitoring of vehicle drivers who use cell phones or cellphones while driving to suppress potential accidents on the highway.
Riau Islands Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Tabana Bangun emphasized that the use of cellphones while driving has the high potential for fatal accidents because motorists are not focused and have a balance of traffic flows around them.
"He is not only a victim, but also another user around him who can become a victim," said Inspector General of Police. Tabana Bangun after leading the 2023 Selegi Safety Ceremony at the Riau Islands Police, Batam City, Tuesday, February 7, was confiscated by Antara.
Especially for motorcycle users, said the Kapolda, they are not playing with cellphones, sometimes the situation in the road traffic environment can make motorists unbalanced.
Tabana revealed that violations using cell phones while driving occurred a lot throughout Indonesia, including the Riau Islands.
For this reason, on the 2023 Seligian Safety Operations day which will take place from Tuesday to February 20, 2023, his party will focus on traffic safety.
"After all, this traffic will move people and goods in general so that any aspect of life can run well in this region," he said.
From Semester 2 data in 2022, said Inspector General Pol. Tabana, the number of traffic violations that occurred in the jurisdiction of the Riau Islands Police was 22,075 violations.
"The most violations are no helmet violations, next-to-leading order against traffic flow and underage drivers," he said.
The Regional Police Chief said the number of traffic accidents was 500 incidents, 95 people died, 95 people were seriously injured, and 534 people were lightly injured.