KBP PSSI If There Are Indications Of Bribes In The Campaign Of Prospective Executive Committees: Other Agencies Will Move

JAKARTA - The Election Committee (KP) and the Electoral Appeal Committee (KBP) PSSI have announced a list of permanent candidates for the Executive Committee (Exco) for the period 2023-2027. They will fight for votes from members at the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) on February 16.

This means that there are still 10 days for candidates to "play" voters to choose them. Later, KP and KBP will oversee the campaign carried out by the candidates, including anticipating indications of bribery practices.

"We will monitor it. If there are other indications, other agencies will move," said PSSI KBP chairman Gusti Randa at the GBK Arena, Jakarta, Monday.

Gusti emphasized that his party could only give an appeal to candidates to carry out campaigns in an orderly manner without violating the rules.

He reminded that in today's digital age, the movements of the candidates for the 2023-2027 Exco PSSI can be monitored by the public.

"We urge the delivery of vision and mission to remain in the corridor of ethics and law," said Gusti.

Meanwhile, PSSI KP Chairman Amir Burhannudin emphasized that his party would provide opportunities for all permanent candidates for the 2023-2027 Exco PSSI to campaign for their program to PSSI voters (voter).

Amir continued, this is so that the "voters" have a clear picture of what the candidates have planned and will carry out.

"KP and KBP will monitor developments from today until election day," he said.

However, Amir said that the KP did not facilitate the campaign of the candidates for several reasons. "We have limitations and regulations do not definitely give the KP the obligation to do that," said Amir.

"In addition, seeing the developments that have been made by each candidate through the media, we have decided not to facilitate the presentation of the vision and mission," he continued.