Elon Musk Will Allow Twitter APIs To Be Freely Used For Bots That Play Good Content

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Twitter would allow a number of bots that provide "good content" to access Twitter APIs for free. As noted in a post on Twitter, Musk announced that the platform will enable API "mild, write-only" for eligible bots.

According to The Verge, this policy is partly contrary to its policy of placing API access behind paywall.

After turning off third-party client APIs, such as Tweetbot and Twitterrific, Twitter announced last week that developers should sign up for a "paid base level" to access Twitter APIs from February 9.

At the time, Musk confirmed the move by saying that free APIs were "used" by bot and spammer fraudsters, adding that subscriptions of around $100 (Rp1.5 million) per month "with ID verification" could "clean everything very well".

The move drew criticism from Twitter developers and users who created and used bots for various purposes. While some bots, such as Make it a Quote and Color Schemer, are solely present for entertainment.

Even other bots like Pikaso, Remember Me of This Tweet, and Spread Reader provide useful functions on site, including the ability to take screenshots, receive reminders for multiple tweets, and read threads in more regular layouts.

Many developers announced that they would close their bots before the February 9 deadline.

But billing developers to access the Twitter API also provides another money-making opportunity for the company, something Musk has prioritized since taking over.

In addition to Twitter's $8 per month charged to users to stay verified, the company also reportedly wants to hit US$1,000 (Rp15 million) per month from brands that want to keep their gold ticks on the platform.

Although it looks like Musk will allow some level of free access to Twitter's API, there are still many questions. The reason is that the public doesn't know what he considers "good" content, and it's not clear if the policy will apply to bots being made in the future or just what's right now.

Hingga Twitter membuat pengumuman resmi terkait perubahan tersebut, masa depan bot di situs tersebut masih dalam ketidakpastian.