Andre Rosiade Talks About The Raids On Prostitutes That He Carried Out

JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Andre Rosiade, is receiving support for being involved in raids on online prostitution cases in the city of Padang. However, controversy arose and allegations that Andre trapped the commercial sex worker (CSW).

The raid took place on Sunday, January 26, in one of the five-star hotel rooms in the Bundo Kanduang area, Padang. The entertainment woman with the initials N (27) and pimple AS (24) was successfully secured.

The suspicion that there was an element of entrapment in the case was because Andre had used the room his aide had rented to raid the comfort woman. In addition, there are also rumors that the Gerindra Party politician ordered the sex services.

However, he immediately denied this allegation. Andre said that the room was originally intended for his adjutant named Bimo. However, at that time his aide was willing to help lend his room.

Meanwhile, the question of him ordering the services of a comfort woman was immediately dismissed. He emphasized, if the residents who ordered him to prove to him about the large number of prostitution in the city of Padang.

"The people who ordered, not me ordered, the people present there who ordered, and the people who are waiting in the room (to raid)," said Andre, Wednesday, February 5.

In addition, there was also an issue about the comfort woman having sex with the customer before being raided. Andre then said that the issue was not true because of evidence in the form of contraceptives that had not been used.

This denial was also strengthened by the statements of two residents who were waiting for the comfort woman in the room. They said there were no acts of harassment against the woman with the initials N. "From the evidence collected, firstly the evidence for the condom is still intact, then secondly, the public's admission is not used," said Andre.

The denial of the issues in circulation was also strengthened by statements from the police. Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu, said that despite participating in the online prostitution raids, the Gerindra politician only played a role in providing information. Meanwhile, the process of prosecution and investigation is handled directly by the police.

"Even though he provided information and was at the location, the police continued to take action. The police report was made a Model A. So the police officers in the field made the reports," said Satake.

So, the existence of reports about the existence of prostitution can make it easier for investigators to uncover it. This is because the perpetrators often move locations every time they carry out their actions. "What Mr. Andre is doing is something that really helps the police. In this case, Andre provides us with information about the existence of online prostitution," said Satake.

However, the raid led by Andre Rosiade received a negative response from Komnas Perempuan's Commissioner, Siti Aminah. According to him, the Gerindra policeman does not need to do horrendous things just to prove the large number of prostitution in the city of Padang. A more beautiful way can be done, one of which is by referring to research or something else.

"I think to prove the existence of online prostitution, there is no need to do raids, that is a way of embarrassing and degrading people's dignity. If you want to know about online prostitution, you can do it by means of research or what is not sensational," said Siti.