Grandpa Of Missing Fish Fishing Dinded In Ciliwung River Found By The SAR Team Dead

The joint SAR team found a drowning victim named Salim Kaihan (70) who had disappeared while fishing in Ciliwung River, Pejaten Village, Pasar Minggu District, South Jakarta. The victim is known to have drowned since last Friday, February 3.

But unfortunately, when the joint SAR team was found, the victim was dead. The victim's body was found after a search was carried out with a radius of 9 KM from the scene.

"The victim has been evacuated to the funeral home for us to hand it over to the family," said Head of the Jakarta SAR Office, Fazzli in his statement, Monday, February 6.

The Joint SAR team conducted a search for the Salim victim by dividing the search area into three teams.

The first team conducted a search effort by sweeping using a rubber boat along the ciliwung river flow to a radius of approximately 10 KM from the scene.

"The second team carried out efforts to sweep land routes along the banks of ciliwung up to a radius of 10 KM from the scene," he said.

Meanwhile, the third team conducted a search below the surface of the water through a dive process with a radius of 10 meters around the scene.