The Replacement Of The Chairman Of The Kusnadi DPD Is Considered A PDIP Progressive Step Compared To Other Parties

Political observer at Trunojoyo Madura University, Surokim Abdussalam, said that the decision of the PDI-P (PDIP) to replace the Chairman of the East Java DPD from Kusnadi to Said Abdullah was the right step compared to other parties.

Surokim in Surabaya, said the replacement showed that PDIP was very serious about paying attention to legal issues regarding grant funds in East Java.

"I think this is a progressive step. The rapid movement and steps of the PDI-P DPP are very appropriate, so that the party can focus on winning East Java as a geopolitical that must be won," said Surokim, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 5.

Selain itu, lanjut Surokim, keputusan tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa DPP PDIP serius memberi peringatan dan edukasi politik kepada kader-kadernya agar tetap disiplin, dan tidak terlibat penyalahgunaan keterangan.

"I think PDIP is very serious when other parties have not responded adequately to this alleged corruption case of grant funds. PDIP is one step ahead, responsive, and progressive, and of course one of its goals is not to interfere with the PDIP image in East Java," he said.

As is known, the issue of East Java DPRD grant funds began with the Deputy Chairperson of the East Java DPRD from the Golkar Party, Sahat Tua Simanjuntak in December 2022.

Then the KPK searched a number of parties, including Deputy Governor of East Java who is also Chairman of the East Java Democrats Emil Dardak, Chairman of the East Java DPRD from the Kusnadi PDIP, Deputy Chairman of the DPRD from the Democratic Party Anang Iskandar, Chairman of Commission D of the East Java DPRD who is also the Treasurer of the East Java Democrats Agung Mulyono, and Deputy Chairman of the DPRD from PKB Anik Maslachah.

The KPK also examined the Secretary of the East Java Democratic Party, Reno Zulkarnain, but Rena did not fulfill the KPK's summons for Umrah reasons.

In this case, Surokim gave a PDIP thumbs up for its progressivity, considering that other parties have not yet made a decision regarding the cadres being searched and examined by the KPK.

Regarding the appointment of Said Abdullah as Acting Chairman (Plt) of the East Java PDIP DPD, and Budi Sulistyono alias Kanang as the Chief Executive (Plh), according to Surokim, shows how important East Java's geopolitical importance is for PDIP.

This means, he said, PDIP wants to maintain its achievements in East Java so that national East Java figures are chosen.

Said Abdullah is known as a politician from Madura who is now trusted as chairman of the DPR's Budget Agency. Meanwhile, Kanang is the deputy chairman of the East Java PDIP DPD who previously completed his assignment as regent of Ngawi for two terms.