Bad Weather, Kupang Regency Government WARns Residents Of Flood Potential And Land Land Land Land Landslides

KUPANG - The Kupang Regency Government, East Nusa Tenggara Province reminded local residents to be aware of flash floods and landslides during heavy rains hit the area. "The bad weather that is happening in Kupang Regency requires early vigilance from all communities against the potential for natural disasters of flash floods and landslides due to high rainfall," said Deputy Regent of Kupang Jerry Manafe, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 5. He said this was related to the anticipation of the Kupang Regency Government for natural disasters during the rainy season that hit the area. The Kupang Regency government has warned sub-districts, village heads, and village heads in areas bordering Oecusse, Timor Leste, to monitor disaster-prone locations in their respective areas in order to facilitate the provision of assistance to residents in the event of a natural disaster. "Especially for residents who live in riverbank areas to be more aware of flooding due to overflowing floods from rivers in this area," said Jerry Manafe. He said the sub-district, village, and sub-district governments to evacuate residents, especially in disaster areas if rainfall continues to increase. "Moreover, if heavy rains occur with long durations at night, residents should be asked to evacuate in order to anticipate disasters that can cause casualties," he said. He also hopes that Kupang Regency residents are alert to tidal, strong winds, and fallen trees during the occurrence of bad weather that has been going on for a week that has caused flooding in a number of areas. "Don't force to pass through river flows if there is flooding because it is very risky, especially the Kupang Regency area has many rivers that residents always cross," said Jerry Manafe.