Want To Have A Healthy Home Park, Follow These 8 Tips

YOGYAKARTA Having a garden at home is important to think about in order to build a healthy ecosystem. The way, maybe not easy because you need to know the basics of organic gardens or other garden principles that help minimize the impact on the environment. For example, you can grow fruit and vegetables in the home garden. Here are tips that you can practice for healthy gardens and plants.

The key to a healthy environment is in plants that vary in variety. On a small scale, you can grow food crops at different times. You will not lack food when entering a long dry period or famine. On a large scale, you can plant intermediate plants. Such as flowers and ornamental plants that are also diverse. Because with that, birds, insects, spiders, frog, lizards, and flora, soil fauna will be richer.

The second tip is to build a healthy home garden, make sure the soil is healthy. This is the most basic principle if you use soil as the main planting medium. For unhealthy soil, you need to create an active ground food chain by maintaining a good balance between fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and worms and other biota. Keep it high in organic matter. It will feed these creatures.

Have your plants in the home garden fallen due to climate change from rainy to dry season? If ever, to build a healthy home garden, identify plants that are grown according to the micro climate in your garden. In general, healthy plants need to be grown in the right climate, soil, and ph. Importantly known, most plants like pH between 6.0 and 7.5.

Recycling all green materials back to your garden. Cut and put them in plant weeds to add soil nutrients. Mulsa branches and other prunings can also be put back in the garden or add them in compost.

Compos not only add nutrients to the soil, but also fungi, bacteria, protozoa and other microorganisms. These are all important for breakdown and production of nutrients for plants, launching Organic Gardener, Sunday, January 5. If you don't have room for compost, make a worm farm. This is all important for breakup and production of nutrients for plants.

You can make leaf amplifiers from seaweed extract. You can simply spray on the leaves. In addition to strengthening the leaves, this extract also helps reduce fungal disease, sun shock effects, and reduces the effects of frozen dew.

Instead of using fungal sprays, control fungal disease by not planting vegetables too close together; trim the fruit trees wisely to allow for reasonable air movement, and the lowest branch of pions not to get close to the ground. This can prevent the spora of mold transfers from soil and to plants.

In addition, always sirami at the base of the plant rather than in the leaves, and practice crop rotation to reduce the buildup of disease in the soil, both for vegetables and annual interest.

If you need to use a fungal spray, start with potassium-carbonate sprays, this changes the surface pH of the leaves, and will not damage the mold on the soil.

The last tip is for healthy home parks, don't use broad spectral sprays unless they are not resolved in organic prevention ways. The reason is, broad spectral sprays can not only kill predatory insects and pests. But also soil fauna flora that creates a healthy ecosystem.