An Emergency Tunggal Children UnderAGE In Jambi That Uses A Office Car, Parents Must Be Responsible

JAKARTA - The single accident that occurred in the city of Jambi some time ago made the public shocked. First, because the driver was a minor, the two vehicles used were official vehicles belonging to the perpetrator's parents and the third was a friend of the driver who left naked. According to Retno Listyarti, MSi., a observer of education issues and also as Chair of the Expert Council of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI), parents must be responsible for this single accident.

Viral on social media, the state-owned car belonging to the Jambi DPRD Secretariat had a single accident in Thehok area, Jambi City. The Toyota Camry car number BH-1842-Z was used by the son of an ASN who served at the Jambi DPRD Secretariat. The state-owned car crashed into a billboard iron pole on the median road.

The single accident on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, Jambi, is known that the driver of the car is a teenage boy with the initials MSA (17 years old) the son of an ASN secretariat of the Jambi DPRD who is still in high school. The police said the accident was suspected of having panicked and lost control when the residents raided him, because from the police statement there was a witness who saw other than MSA, there was a girl who got out of the car naked.

"For this incident, I as a child and education observer express my appreciation to the police. The police state that they will firmly focus on handling and investigating cases of traffic violations, not on a girl who is suspected of leaving the official car in a naked state," he said.

In addition, continued Retno, the police have also carried out their duties in accordance with the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA), which is not checking the two passengers in the car because they are still children.

"Because, to check, the two minors must be accompanied by their parents. Moreover, the two children suffered bruises and the girls suffered broken legs. This means that medical assistance must be prioritized for both first," said Retno Listyarti.

Second, said Retno in this context, parents must be responsible for allegedly neglecting to supervise their children. "According to MSA's family statement, that his son without permission (disclosely) used the official car used temporarily by his father who served as Head of the Household Subdivision and Asset of the Jambi DPRD Secretariat," he said.

Even though even though his parents gave permission or not, Retno still said, the fact is that there was negligence on the parents' side so that the child could use the official car.

"It seems impossible for children to get an official car out of the garage without being noticed by their homes. Children are immature humans, so it's the child's fault not to stand alone, but there is a contribution to the nearest environment, as in this case," said Retno Listyarti.

Third, said Retno, this incident became a lesson for other parents. "This incident must be a lesson for any official in this country who is provided with state facilities in the form of official cars, not to use them for personal matters, let alone to be used by a partner or child. In this case, the child is still a minor and does not yet have a Driving Permit (SIM), because it will potentially endanger the child," he said.

"It is the duty of parents to protect children from various things that can endanger and denounce children," said Retno.

Parents who neglect to take care of their immature children, drive an official car by violating highway traffic regulations, causing harm to motorists, passengers, and the government, so that they must be legally responsible.

"Given that the perpetrators of road traffic violators are not yet adults (not 18 years old), the responsibility attached to civil law for the single accident is the parents of the child concerned," said Retno.

Retno added that parents in this case must be held accountable before the law. "Parents of the children of motorists of official cars who violate highway traffic are strongly suspected of being proven to have committed acts that are against the law and cause harm to other parties so that this meets the criteria regulated in the Criminal Code. Civil Article 1365, so that parents deserve to be prosecuted with demands for compensation," he said.

Likewise, for compensation for injuries and fractures and state losses from damage to official cars, it is entirely the responsibility of parents. Parents can not only be charged with compensation according to the Civil Code article 1367 but officially, the Government can demand legal proceedings according to ASN disciplinary regulations.

Fourth, parents can be sanctioned with discipline as ASN. "Because parents neglect to carry out the obligation to maintain the government's trust and trust so that the use and use of official cars is in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. It turns out that official cars are used against the law of road traffic regulations, used by their children who are not yet adults," he said.

The official regulations that were violated by the parents of the child who was the victim of a single accident in Jambi were Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 53 of 2010 concerning ASN Discipline, namely Article 3 number 4 and number 5 stipulates that ASN must obey, obey, be trustworthy, be aware, and be responsible in their duties.

"With the fulfillment of criteria, there are actions that harm the state, harm government agencies, and become a lesson for ASN officials in the government, FSGI proposes that administrative legal processes be carried out for parents of minors who are single accident victims in Jambi," concluded Retno Listyarti.