Understanding Radicals And Terrorism In The Community Still Exists, The Central Java Regional Secretary Encourages ASN To Also Be Andil To Prevent

SEMARANG - Regional Secretary of Central Java Province Sumarno asked state civil servants (ASN) within the local provincial government to play an active role in preventing the emergence of radicalism and terrorism in society.“ ASN also has an important role to play in conveying understanding to the public about the dangers of terrorism and radicalism. Sometimes we feel sorry for our brothers and sisters who have a narrow understanding or lack of understanding from various hies, because they only receive from one route,” he said in Semarang, Antara, Sunday, February 5.According to the Regional Secretary, radicalism and terrorism are latent and invisible, but still in society. The suicide bombing case in Bandung, the arrest of terrorists in Sukoharjo Regency, Sleman Regency, and several other areas in Indonesia, shows that radicalism is still in society.Sumarno explained that Islam was rahmatan lil'alamin, namely that its presence in the midst of people's lives was able to create peace and love for humans and the universe." “ In Islam, it is not permissible to hurt or be hostile to non-Muslims, let alone hurt fellow Muslims," he said.If terrorism occurs in the community, continued Sumarno, it will be affected not only the perpetrators and the parties who are targeted, but also many parties affected."If anyone wants to be conveyed or intends to advise certain people or parties, it is better to convey it in a peaceful manner and not with attacks, suicide bombings or other acts of violence," he said.He said there were still inappropriate understandings in the community that were spread by radical adherents, so the involvement of various parties was needed to fight it.“ All must maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila as the basis of the state of Indonesia. As a Pancasila country, all beliefs and religions in Indonesia can carry out worship activities safely and nothing prohibits it, "he said.