BPBD Imbau Residents Affected By The Volcanic Ash Of Mount Kerinci Wear Masks

JAMBI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kerinci Regency, Jambi said a number of villages in Gunung Tujuh District were affected by the volcanic ash burst of Mount Kerinci so that his party asked residents to wear masks during their activities. Emergency and Logistics Head of BPBD Kerinci Armanto said the villages affected by the volcanic ash eruption included Pelompek Village, Pauh Tinggi Village, Sungai Jernih Village and surrounding villages. "The affected Pelompek Village towards East Pauh Tinggi and its surroundings, but have not interfered with community activities," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 4.

Mount Kerinci has experienced another since Friday (3/2) yesterday. Furthermore, the eruption occurred again on Saturday at 06.46 WIB with the height of the ash pond reaching 200 meters above the peak. Mount Kerinci Monitoring Officer Irwan Safwan said the ash pond was observed to be gray to brown with an eruption duration of almost two hours. from the ash gusts carried by the wind to the village, residents were worried about the plants in the garden. "The concern of the plant died because the ashes were quite thick," he said.