PLN Targets 31 Disadvantaged Islands In East Java With Electricity This Year

PT PLN (Persero) East Java Distribution Main Unit (UID East Java) targets 31 islands of the outermost, frontier, and underdeveloped region (3T) in East Java, to be electrified throughout 2023.

General Manager of PLN UID East Java Lasiran said that his party will focus on electrification in 3T areas, especially islands in Sumenep and Bawean, this year.

Lasiran said, throughout 2022, through the village electricity program, PLN had flowed 200 villages with an intermediate voltage network (JTM) of 114.18 kilometers of circuits (kms), a low voltage network (JTR) of 330.68 kms, with investment costs reaching Rp112.62 billion.

The East Java Province Electrification Ratio (RE) in December 2022 was 105.4 percent, with 13 districts out of 38 regencies or cities in East Java Province still below 100 percent.

After the pandemic, Lasiran emphasized that PLN continues to intensify electrification in the 3T region, including islands in Sumenep.

"Of the 48 inhabited islands, 15 have been electrified by PLN. Meanwhile, this year the Communal Solar Power Plant (PLTS) will be operated in 16 island locations with a total capacity of 975 kWp with a potential of 8,434 customers," Lasiran said in a written statement, Saturday, February 4.

He added that this electrification effort could not be separated from various obstacles, such as difficult terrain conditions and hills, high waves and so on.

Even so, with synergy and coordination with stakeholders, PLN hopes to be able to complete the East Java Light for All 2024 program which targets 100 percent electrification in 2024.

"The acceleration effort taken is a form of PLN's support and willingness to complete the mandate for the development of electricity infrastructure for the welfare of the community, so that the PLN's mission is to realize a better life and encourage the economy to be realized for all people of East Java, especially in the 3T and archipelago," Lasiran explained.

Furthermore, said Lasiran, the East Java electrification ratio itself has reached 99.39 percent. But in aggregate, it actually has reached 100 percent.

"Actually, Light for All 2023 is very possible to be reached, but for these islands we still have to re comb. God willing, with our commitment and determination together, we can realize Light for All 2024," he concluded.