Anticipating Damaged Buildings, Principals Asked To Be Active

PRAYA - The Education Office of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara appealed to operators to be proactive in collecting data and immediately report the condition of facilities and infrastructure in their respective schools.

"Jangan hanya data guru dan siswa yang dilaporkan, sarana dan prasarana sekolah juga harus rutin dilaporkan melalui data baik pendidikan (dapodik)," kata Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Dasar Dinas Pendidikan Lombok Tengah, Makbul dikutip ANTARA, Jumat 3 Februari.

It is said, teacher and student data as well as school advice are currently using the digital system, so that when a school is damaged, but in good condition data cannot be given a budget for improvement.

"School principals and operators must actively provide the latest data through existing systems," he said.

Local governments also cannot make improvements to damaged schools, due to budget constraints. In addition, schools that can be repaired using special allocation funds (DAK) are lightly and moderately damaged. Then for heavily damaged schools that make improvements are PUPR and schools that were damaged due to the BPBD task disaster.

There are requirements that must be met when applying for a school repair budget.

"The data submitted in the field must be in accordance with the data in the Dapodik, but if it is not the same, the local government cannot provide a budget. The data in the dapodik is key," he said.

Of the 641 elementary schools, of course, there are school classrooms that are damaged every year, both lightly, moderately and severely damaged. However, not all of the damaged schools can be repaired, but carried out in stages.

"This year alone, 8 schools have been repaired using DAK funds," he said.