Reflecting On Luis Suarez, Darwin Nunez Feeling Pede Can End The Happy Period At Liverpool

JAKARTA - Uruguay striker Darwin Nunez has had his first season at Liverpool poorly. However, he believes he can follow in Luis Suarez's footsteps.

Suarez himself did not immediately appear with Liverpool. He could only shine in the second season.

Meanwhile, Nunez is currently struggling to find her best performance since moving from Benfica to Anfield Stadium last June. He had performed brilliantly at the start of his performance by scoring two goals.

But after a total of 23 games so far, Nunez has only garnered eight goals. Nunez was aware of this, but did not give up.

Sah the player believes he can bounce back in the same style as Suarez in his heyday.

"Obviously, I still have a lot to do, for example, finishing me. But I think the same thing happened to me like what happened to (Luis) Suarez. In his second year, he could break that," Nunez said as quoted by Sky Sports on Friday, February 3.

"Similar things happened to me at Benfica. The first year was really bad for me and in the second year, I exploded."

"Here, I think the same thing happened. I hope next season will be like that. I will give my best and hopefully I will get a little bit of luck." he explained.

Suarez, who also played for Liverpool, only scored 15 goals in his first one and a half Premier League game after being brought in from Ajax.

But afterwards, he scored 54 goals in 66 games before finally moving to Barcelona in 2014.

Nunez's hope to be able to imitate his senior's footsteps was accompanied by regular advice and input from Suarez.

"Of course, talking to Suarez always helps. For me, he is an idol. He is a good example. In the national team, I now have a much better relationship with him," said Nunez.

"We always talk and he always gives me advice. I always try to keep in touch with him."

"I asked him a lot because he (had) been at this club (Liverpool) and he had more experience than I did. He was an important player who gave me advice and explained a lot to me." concluded Darwin Nunez.