The Staff Of The Minister Of SOEs Disclosed The Cause Of Pension Funds For Red Pelat Company Many Investments

JAKARTA - The Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, explained that many SOEs' pension funds were wrongly invested.

Arya said this was because the company was mostly filled by retirees who did not understand investment.

As is known, as many as 60 percent of state-owned companies have problems. Generally, there are errors in governance in the investments made.

"Sorry, yes, there are a lot of retirees who are not experts in investing. In the past, we knew that retirement had no work (attended) in dapen," he said at the Ministry of SOEs Office, Jakarta, Friday, February 3.

Therefore, continued Arya, in the future, the Ministry of SOEs will tighten the governance of companies involving state-owned companies.

For example, Dapen, a state-owned company A, so far he has not participated in deciding where to invest. So the only thing that determines is Dapen, in the future we will be the beneficiaries and the ones who take care of all the SOEs," he explained.

Arya melanjutkan, saat ini pihaknya sedang menyusun aturan agar Direktur Keuangan dan Direktur Human Capital yang ada di masing-masing BUMN dapat terlibatkan dalam penentuan investasi.

"Also in the provisions whether he is okay or not, it's okay with investment. This is what we are discussing, hopefully this is also still a rule, but if this becomes quite good," he said.

As previously reported, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that pension funds within state-owned companies needed to be monitored. This is because many pension funds are problematic.

Erick admitted that he did not only want to take care of Jiwasraya and Asabri. He said, cleaning up SOEs must be done to all companies.

"Don't take care of Jiwasraya, Asabri, we take care of Taspen. Many state-owned pension funds are sick," he said at the Initial Press Conference in 2023, Monday, January 2.

Erick said, based on the reports he received, as many as 65 percent of the pension funds at state-owned companies were problematic. Only 35 percent of companies are healthy.

Because my data is 35 percent healthy, 65 percent there is a problem. I want to clean up. Don't be Asabri, Jiwasraya, eh this one forgot. While there is time," he said.

Therefore, Erick admitted, next week he and the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri will meet all state-owned companies and invest in audits related to this matter.

"Next week, I and the Chairman of the KPK, will meet all SOEs to talk about ati-ati because we will investigate the audit," he said.