How To Overcome Laptops? This Is A Trick And Tips That Can Be Done

YOGYAKARTA You must have asked how to deal with laptop freeze. Answering this question, there are actually many ways you can do it.

As is known, freeze is a state when a laptop is jammed or cannot process a command from a user or user. This condition can occur at any time, including when you are doing work using a laptop. Then how to deal with a laptop hang or freeze?

Generally, laptop freeze is caused by limited RAM. RAM is a temporary storage area in which it stores temporary orders from users. When the user orders are piled up and the RAM is too small, the risk that will be encountered is the freeze condition or not responding.

No need to panic, when you encounter a laptop freeze condition, several things that can be done are as follows.

Laptop freeze usually occurs because of a piled-up user order. When data buildup occurs, the RAM performance will be very heavy, especially if the RAM on the laptop is limited. Usually a freeze laptop can return to normal within a few minutes. You have to wait for the laptop to process user data before returning to normal again.

The combination of the Shift + CTRL + Esc button will take you to the Task Manager. When you are taken to the Task Manager, you can stop the heavy application that consumes a lot of RAM, causing the laptop to freeze. In addition to the three combination buttons above, you can also use the combination of the CTRl + Alt + Del button via keyboard.

This is the last way when the laptop freezes, which is by pressing the power button and then holding it until the laptop turns off. After that wait a moment and turn it on again. After the laptop returns to life, you can start work again.

Actually this method is not recommended. In fact, you are not recommended to do it too often because you are afraid of damaging laptop components, both on the hardware and laptop software itself.

It should be noted that the three tricks above are only temporary, meaning that they do not solve the laptop freeze problem. To solve this problem, do some of the following tips.

Not all laptops match all existing Windows operating systems. When you choose to install Windows, it's a good idea to consider laptop specifications because if this is not done it will burden the laptop.

For example, you use an old laptop by running Windows 11. As a result, your laptop freezes frequently. To overcome this condition, you can switch to Windows 10.

As mentioned earlier, RAM is a temporary storage area. Small RAM will make the laptop burdened. Therefore you are advised to upgrade RAM. This method is very cost-effective, but very powerful to deal with laptops that often freeze.

To avoid laptop freeze or hang, it's a good idea not to install too many applications. You are also not advised to open too many applications so that the command doesn't pile up.

Laptop freeze can also be caused by the virus. To overcome this, you can scan your laptop with antivirals.

In addition to dealing with laptop freeze, visit VOI.ID for other information.