Mendes PDTT: IDR 5.8 Trillion Village Funds Has Been Allocated To BUMDes Throughout 2015-2022

JAKARTA - Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar said that IDR 5.8 trillion of Village Funds had been allocated for capital for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) throughout 2015-2022.

"In order to empower BUMDes, throughout 2015-2022 the Village Fund has been allocated Rp5.8 trillion for BUMDes," said Mendes PDTT in remarks at the peak of the commemoration of BUMDes Day 2023 in Teluk Bakau, Bintan, quoted from Antara, February 3.

As a result, he continued, the Ministry of Villages PDTT recorded that Rp1.8 trillion in Village Original Revenue came from the distribution of Village BUM profits in 60,417 villages.

Currently, he continued, BUMDes has been trusted to carry out ultra micro (UMi) financing distribution activities which are now being carried out by BUMDes Tibubeneng, Badung Regency.

"This big step, immediately accelerated by 41 other BUMDes in Badung Regency," said Gus Halim, as he is usually called.

He added, as many as 15 BUMDes Bersama (BUMDesma) Lkd in East Java are currently undergoing an assessment to be able to channel ultra micro financing.

"Through the Integrated Animal Husbandry BUMDesma, villages will soon become a force for Indonesia to realize national food security," he said.

On that occasion, he also conveyed that in order to maintain the village as the most resilient economic entity to the crisis, to cut off the dependence of villagers on village moneylenders, to ensure the sustainability of the village's micro-enterprises, now BUMDesma has become the guardian of the community's revolving funds through the transformation of the former PNPM Mandiri Rural UPK.

"The development is even more encouraging. As of February 2, 2023, as many as 763 have legal entities for BUMDesma Lkd, 169 are currently in the process of registering the legal entity BUMDesma Lkd," he explained.

"Currently, 1,321 former PNPM Mandiri Rural UPKs have been reviewed by regional inspectorates, and 972 former PNPM Mandiri Rural UPKs have implemented Inter-village Deliberations (MAD), all of which will soon be deformed to BUMDesma Lkd," he explained.

Until now, conveyed by Mendes PDTT, more than Rp115 billion of village funds have been included as additional capital for BUMDesma Lkd.