In The Indictment, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Ordered Subordinates To Send 5 Kg Of Methamphetamine Using An Aircraft But Against It

JAKARTA - The defendant in the drug trafficking case as well as the former West Sumatra Police Chief (West Sumatra) Inspector General Teddy Minahasa had asked Doddy Prawiranegara to deliver 5 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine by plane to Jakarta. However, the request was rejected for safety reasons.

"At that time the defendant offered Doddy Prawiranegara to bring the methamphetamine by plane, but witness Doddy said that it would be risky," said Public Prosecutor (JPU) Arya Wicaksana while reading the indictment at Teddy Minahasa's first trial at the West Jakarta District Court (PN), Thursday, February 2, as reported by Antara.

Doddy Prawiranegara is a suspect and former Bukit Tinggi Police Chief who was used as Teddy's accomplice to exchange methamphetamine as a result of uncovering a five kilogram case with tawas.

Doddy finally asked Teddy for permission to deliver the methamphetamine by land to Jakarta.

Exactly on September 22 at 04.30 WIB, Doddy and another suspect, Samsul Ma'arif, took the methamphetamine using Doddy's private car.

"By using a yellow Suzuki Jimny car, police number D 371 MNY belonging to witness Doddy while carrying narcotics, the type of methamphetamine they had put in cardboard," he said.

They also arrived at the rest area of the Karang Tengah Toll Road on September 25, 2022. When they arrived, Doddy immediately ordered Samsul Ma'arif to bring the five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine to the buyer's house, Linda Pujiastuti alias Anita, in the Kedoya area, West Jakarta.

Based on the order, Samsul finally delivered the illicit goods to Linda Pujiastuti's residence.

Anita was finally caught by the ranks of the Metro Jaya Police at her residence, West Jakarta. The arrest of Teddy Minahasa, Doddy Prawiranegara followed the police after Anita was caught.

For information, Polda Metro Jaya investigators stated that Inspector General Teddy Minahasa had ordered his subordinates to set aside evidence of methamphetamine-type narcotics from the results of the disclosure of the case to be circulated.

The Bukit Tinggi Police initially wanted to destroy 40 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, but Inspector General Teddy Minahasa allegedly ordered to exchange five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine for tawas.

However, the embezzlement of drug evidence was finally uncovered by a series of disclosures of narcotics cases by the Central Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya.

A total of 1.7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine has been successfully circulated while the remaining 3.3 kilograms have been confiscated by officers.

The article alleged against Teddy is Article 114 Paragraph 3 sub Article 112 Paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 55 Law Number 35 Year 2009 with a maximum threat of the death penalty and a minimum of 20 years in prison.