Jokowi Signs PP, Perpetrators Of Child Sexual Violence Can Be Castrated With Chemical And Electronic Wristbands Attached

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo signed a Government Regulation (PP) on the implementation of castration for perpetrators of sexual violence against children.

Government Regulation Number 70 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Implementing Chemical Castration, Installation of Electronic Detection Devices, Rehabilitation and Identity of Perpetrators of Sexual Violence Against Children was signed by President Jokowi on December 7.

In the PP, it is explained that chemical castration is the administration of chemical substances through injection or other methods carried out to perpetrators who have been convicted of violence or threats of violence forcing children to have intercourse with them or with other people, causing more than one victim, resulting in serious injury, disturbance. mental, infectious disease, impaired or loss of reproductive function and / or the victim dies to suppress excessive sexual desire accompanied by rehabilitation.

This chemical castration can be applied to perpetrators of sexual violence against children described in the PP as the perpetrator of the criminal act of intercourse with children with violence or threats of sexual violence forcing children to have intercourse with him or with other people and the perpetrator of the crime of obscene acts against children with violence or threats of violence. sexual, coercive, deception, commit a series of lies or induce a child to commit or allow sexual immorality.

The additional punishment for chemical castration in Government Regulation Number 70 of 2020 can also be imposed on the perpetrator of the crime of intercourse with children. In the PP, it is explained that the perpetrator of the criminal act of sexual intercourse with children, namely the perpetrator with violence or threats of sexual violence forcing the child to have intercourse with him or with another person, hereinafter referred to as the perpetrator of intercourse, is a convict or person who has completed the main criminal offense of copulation with a child with violence or threats of violence force the child to have intercourse with him or other people

Furthermore, Article 2 of PP 70/2020 explains that chemical castration, the installation of electronic detection devices and rehabilitation are imposed on copulation perpetrators based on a court decision that has permanent legal force.

The installation of electronic detection devices and rehabilitation is imposed on perpetrators of obscene acts based on a court decision that has permanent legal force

The implementation of court decisions as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be carried out by order of the prosecutor after coordinating with the ministry that administers government affairs in the health sector, the ministry that administers government affairs in the legal sector and the ministry that administers government affairs in the social sector.

Article 4 states that child offenders cannot be subjected to chemical castration and the installation of electronic detectors.

Meanwhile, the procedures for implementing chemical castration as described in Article 5, Article 6, Article 7 are as follows:

- Chemical castration is imposed for a maximum period of 2 years

- Chemical castration is carried out through stages: clinical assessment, conclusion, and implementation

- Clinical assessments are carried out by a team of officers who are competent in the medical and psychiatric fields

Clinical assessment includes clinical and psychiatric interviews, physical examination and investigations

Meanwhile, the procedures for implementing electronic detection devices are regulated in Article 14, Article 15, Article 16 and Article 17.

Regulated in the PP, the act of installing electronic detectors is imposed on copulation perpetrators and perpetrators of obscene acts. Installation of electronic detectors is carried out immediately after the perpetrator has served a crime.

The PP regulates the installation of electronic detectors for the perpetrators to be given a maximum of 2 years. Meanwhile, article 15 PP 70/2020 states electronic detection devices in the form of electronic wristbands or other similar devices.