So That You Can Obey It Wisely, Here's Your New Mother's Confusion Or Maternal Ambivalence

YOGYAKARTA On the way, pregnant and childbirth mothers experience changes in roles that trigger ups and downs. This is called external ambivalence or feelings of love to frustration. This emotional condition, according to a certified psychiatrist, Aparna Iyer, MD., normal is experienced.

Maternal ambivalence or feelings of maternal ambivalence, cause feelings of guilt or even shame. This condition describes a very large emotional conflict and is felt by a woman towards her child. Starting from love and affection to frustration and anger. Often, a mother can experience all these emotions at the same time.

Based on the facts reported by MbgRelationship, Thursday, February 2, as many as 40 percent of mothers reported indifferent to their babies at first. But because people's expectations formed a perfect'mother' so that the mother felt guilty of her indifferent feelings. They think this is a faceless and wrong condition, but is that true?

As a mother, it has an emotional side that is as normal as humans. But because of the view about naluri mothers'' who care for and love their children, it makes the feeling go up and down. Feelings are an internal side of a person, while bait from society and social media, can affect feelings of guilt because they feel inappropriate, not good people, to feel they are not taking care of their children properly.

It is important to understand that emotional ambivalence around motherhood. This does not reduce how much a mother loves her pregnancy and baby. That is, a mother requires recognition and assistance to how mixed emotions are during pregnancy and accompanying her children.

Barbara Almond's psychoanist, MD., reported by Psychology Today said, ambivalence arises when there is a conflict between the needs of their parents and children. For example, a mother who loves to breastfeed a baby but a few hours later is not happy when she has to wake up from her sleep because she has to breastfeed every few hours. Due to this situation, many women feel guilty and pressured by hatred.

Many women feel guilty and depressed because of their hatred, fatigue, and inhospitous thoughts. That hate seems to be very understandable. After all, he did feed his baby even though he prefers not to at the time he had to sleep paying for his fatigue. It seems that this ambivalent feeling is confusing. Feelings between, between love but also disappointment.

According to Iyer, having strong support during pregnancy and accompanying children is important for a mother to overcome external ambivalence. This is useful for helping to neutralize emotions and all experiences experienced. For example, needing a good friend, supportive partner, trusted doctor, to positive support system.