Putri Candrawathi's Camp: Prosecutors Receive Bharada E's Testimony To Susun Penuntutuh Imaginative

JAKARTA - The legal advisory team for the defendant Putri Candrawathi assessed that the prosecutor was only listening to Richard Karya alias Bharada E's statement. Because Bharada E's testimony is considered the most appropriate to draw up All-imaginative demands.

"Ironically, the public prosecutor chose to listen to the testimony of witness Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu solely because it matches the prospective construction of the public prosecutor so that it does not test him again with testimony from witnesses, experts and other evidence," said legal adviser to Putri Candrawathi, Aldira Nurlita in court, Thursday, February 2.

In fact, Bharada E's statement did not match the evidence at the trial and often changed. One of them is about Putri Candrawathi who is said to accompany Ferdy Sambo during the planning of the murder at Saguling's house.

"At least we found that there were 26 witnesses, Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu, who conveyed varying statements at various levels of examination related to several incidents related to the defendant," said Aldira.

Prosecutors are also considered to ignore the statements of witnesses who match each other. For example, the testimony of Ricky Rizal and Strong Ma'ruf.

The statements of the two must also be considered by the prosecutor. Moreover, from the test their testimony polygraph is considered honest and trustworthy.

"If the public prosecutor is really consistent in the use of evidence, then the public prosecutor should also pay attention to the test results of the witness polygraph Ricky Rizal Wibowo, who has the highest score compared to the other defendants, including witness Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu," said Aldira.

Putri Candrawathi's actions in this case are considered to fulfill the elements of Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code. This is because Ferdy Sambo's wife has a role in the series of premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

His involvement helped with planning and led Brigadier J to the execution site which is Ferdy Sambo's official residence at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Thus, the prosecutor charged Putri Candrawathi with imprisonment for 8 years.