Otto, A Dead Tame Elephant In The Aceh Conservation Area

JAKARTA - Otto, a Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) was found dead in the Cot Girek conservation area, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. It is not yet known the exact cause of death of the 25-year-old elephant.

"From the results of the autopsy, the medical team found a discoloration in the intestines, namely blackening and getting manifestations of endoparasites," said Head of the Aceh Province Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Agus Arianto in a written statement, Sunday, January 3.

Furthermore, the Aceh BKSDA medical team together with a team from Syiah Kuala University who conducted an autopsy on the elephant carcass also took several samples in the form of heart, liver, lungs, spleen, intestines, feces and tongue to be sent to the Forensic Laboratory of the Police Headquarters.

"While the pair of ivory from the elephants, after completing the administrative process at the Cot Girek Police, were taken to the Aceh BKSDA office," he continued.

Agus Arianto explained that Otto, who was a tame elephant in the Cot Girek Conservation Response Unit (CRU) area, was caught in Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya.

Before his death, said Agus Arianto, based on the results of monitoring by the mahout (elephant handler), Otto's elephant was seen in a weak state, lack of appetite, and diarrhea.

Mahout then communicated to ask for medical treatment and monitoring. However, Otto's elephant was not saved / died.

Sumatran elephants are animals that live in groups and are nocturnal animals that are active at night and overnight, moving up to 20 km. Sumatran elephants are also a sub-species of Asian elephants that live on the island of Sumatra.