Komnas HAM Will Examine Bareskrim Investigators On The Assault Of 6 FPI Laskar

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) will ask the investigation team from the Criminal Investigation Police who handled the case of the attack on the six soldiers of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). This examination is scheduled for Monday, January 4.

"Tomorrow we are scheduled to go to Komnas HAM again," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Andi Rian, to reporters, Sunday, January 3.

But Andi did not explain in detail what Komnas HAM was going to study. Because, so far there has been no communication regarding this matter and there has been no discussion about the material of the investigation.

"The invitation only asked to present investigators," he said.

Previously, Komnas HAM and investigators from Bareskrim Polri Puslabfor Sentul, West Java. The goal is to explore some of the findings on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road.

In addition, in the process of investigating this case, the police have examined 83 witnesses. From the results of the investigation, it was suspected that the FPI Laskar attacked the police at KM 50 of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road on Monday, December 7, 2020, at 00.30 WIB.

The officer, who felt that his life was at risk, immediately took decisive and measured action so that six of Rizieq Shihab's bodyguards died, while four other people fled.

So far, Komnas HAM has conducted a number of investigations into this case. From the results of an interim investigation, Komnas HAM found seven projectiles and four shells from the shooting scene of the six FPI troops on the Jakarta-Cikampek Kilometer 50 toll road.

The Komnas HAM team also found a large number of pieces of evidence from the scene of the car. All evidence, including cartridges, projectiles, and car parts were found at a number of points, not at one point.