Mahfud MD Yakin Ferdy Sambo Gets Concurrent Sentence: I Know The Judge, Already Experience
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD believes the judge can give a fair verdict against the defendant in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J), Ferdy Sambo.
"I believe the judge can read the pulses of justice voiced by the Prosecutor's Office and by the public, by the public," Mahfud told reporters while attending the Meeting of Leaders for Submission of Policies for the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) RI for Fiscal Year 2023 entitled "Transformation of Lemhannas RI 4.0" at the Lemhannas RI Pancagatra Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 1, reported by Antara.
So far, based on his monitoring, said Mahfud, the trial of the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J has been going well. He considered the judges, prosecutors and lawyers in the trial to be quite professional.
"During my monitoring of the proceedings of this trial, the judges were quite professional, the prosecutors too, his lawyers too, so the people just have to wait now, which decision is considered fair by the judge," said Mahfud.
He believes that the judge in passing the verdict will not be influenced by hoaxes in the trial, which in fact cannot be accounted for.
"The judge has experience. Debates like that are food for a day. It will not be affected by hoaxes of debate, which in fact cannot be accounted for. I know the judge, I know," he said.
Sebelumnya dalam persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta, Selasa (17/1), jaksa penuntut umum menuntut Ferdy Sambo untuk menjalani pidana penjara seumur hidup terkait dengan kasus pembunuhan berencana terhadap Brigadir J.
The prosecutor stated that Sambo had been legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.