Not Only Infidelity, Kompolnas Highlights Allegations Of Authority Abuse

JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) not only highlighted the affair between Kompol D and Audi A6 passengers, Nur, behind the accident that killed a student of Suryakancana (Unsur) Cianjur, Selvi Amalia Nuraeni. Kompolnas also highlighted the alleged abuse of authority.

The allegation was based on Nur's confession. He admitted that he could enter the police convoy because he was allowed by Kompol D.

"Yes, (abuse of authority, ed) in the Traffic Law there are vehicles that are prioritized," said Commissioner of National Police Poengky Indarti to VOI, Tuesday, January 31.

Currently, the investigation process regarding the alleged abuse of authority is said to be being carried out. If proven, then Kompol D must be given additional sanctions.

"If D is proven to have ordered before the car enters the convoy, it means there is abuse of power," he said. However, otherwise, the sanctions that have been given at this time are appropriate. This is because his actions regarding unregistered marriages have violated the Police code of ethics

"But if D doesn't know anything, suddenly his car enters on behalf of his name, yes D cannot be held accountable," said Poengky.

Meanwhile, Kompol D has been declared to have violated Polri ethics because he has had a special relationship with Nur since last year.

His actions violated Article 5 paragraph 1 letter b and personality ethics in the form of committing adultery or adultery Article 13 letter f of the National Police Chief's Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.

As a sanction, Kompol D was placed in a special place (patsus) for 21 days.