The Minister Of SOEs And La Nyalla Escape Prospective Candidates For The Chairman Of PSSI, Menpora And Ratu Tisha Also Hold On

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti were declared qualified as interim candidates for PSSI general chairman for the period 2023-2027.

Chairman of the Electoral Committee (KP) Amir Burhannudin announced the list of temporary candidates at the Bung Karno Main Gelora Stadium, Tuesday, December 31, 2023. Both names passed the KP verification along with three other names who previously registered as prospective candidates.

"The Election Committee has decided that we have decided that five candidates for the general chairman have met the requirements," Amir said in his announcement accompanied by members of the KP and the Electoral Appeal Committee (KBP).

Meanwhile, the other three eligible names are Arief Putra Wicaksono, Doni Eethiabudi, and Fary Djemie Francis. The five qualified along with 16 interim vice-chairman candidates, and 53 executive committee members.

Meanwhile, Menpora Zainudin Amali and Ratu Tisha failed to run as vice-chairman candidates. Meanwhile, Raffi Ahmad also did not pass the verification as a member of the executive committee.

Before announcing the names, KP first carried out the verification process of all registrant documents as stages of the congress. The process took place from January 22 to 31.

Amir said that the verification process itself went quite tough and even had time to reach a dead end so that there was a decision to go through the voting process.

"We need to inform you that in verification, the dynamics is very strong within us, especially related to accuracy, as well as other requirements required in the statutes," he said.

"But thank God KP can carry out its duties until this afternoon we can announce a list of temporary candidates which we put in a decree, all of which are known," he added.

In the position of deputy chairman candidate itself, there were previously 20 names that registered. However, four were declared not to have passed and were unable to appeal because they did not provide a confirmation sheet of availability and one of them was the revocation of the support file for the supporting club.

The four names in question are Achsanul Qosasih, Azrul Ananda, Bambang Pamungkas, Iwan Budianto, and Pornayo Astaman.

The candidates for the interim deputy chairman who were declared to have passed were Ahmad Riyadh, Ahmad Syauqi Soeratno, Andre Rosiade, Doni Setiabudi, Doni Sutandi, Fary Djemie Francis, Gede Widiade, Hasani Abdulgani, Hasnuryadi Sulaiman, Juni Ardianto Rachman, Maya Damayantie, Ratu Tisha, Sadikin Aksa, Bahas Oktavianus, Yunus Nusi, and Zainudin Amali.

Then KP also stated that there were 53 candidates while members of the executive committee were confirmed to have passed. Two of them Sinung Widakdo and Mirzah Rinaldi may appeal, while the other 27 may not.

The names were confirmed to have died because they did not send a willingness sheet and did not receive any support from members of the voting rights (voters).

The names declared to be allowed to appeal will be given the opportunity to carry it out from February 1 to 3. The appeal process will be examined by KBP from February 4 to 5 before the announcement of the candidate remains on February 6.

53 prospective executive committee members who passed verification: