The Ministry Of Communication And Information Will Block Akon Telegram From Sharing Movies For Free

JAKARTA - The Telegram instant messaging application has once again caught the attention of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo). The reason is, there are accounts or channels that often share streaming movies for free.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Communication and Information for the Digital and Human Resources Sector, Dedy Permadi, said that his party would close the account. Moreover, there have been many complaints about this illegal act.

"For messenger platforms like Telegram, because they are private, Komenkominfo can propose to block or suspend the reported Telegram account or channel," said Dedy when contacted, Saturday, January 2.

Dedy admitted that his party was not alone in this matter. The Ministry will coordinate with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Because it is explained, the practice of distributing illegal films and series can be classified as a violation of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI). Not only that, handling can also be done if there are film business actors and related associations reporting to the Ministry of Communication and Information.

"The handling is based on reports from the public, complaints from the Directorate General of KI Kumham, and from film business actors or film associations who have suffered losses as a result of the piracy of the film," explained Dedy.

Even so, Dedy said that the Ministry did not take any action, because it needed careful consideration of the complaints received.

There are three sources of complaints that can be assessed by the Ministry of Communication and Information, including "Handling based on complaints from the public, complaints from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), and finally complaints from film business actors or film associations who are harmed as a result of piracy. the film, "said Dedy.

From VOI's monitoring, Telegram is known as a forum for distributing films that can be watched for free. Only by sharing downloaded movies into one account that also has a large number of followers.

Previously, the Ministry of Communication and Information was not only targeting Telegram. Based on the data, there are a total of 1,745 sites and content blocked by the Ministry in the 2017 to 2019 period.

Kemenkominfo data shows the number of blocked sites and content continues to increase from year to year, even the most were found in 2019.

Throughout 2017 the Ministry of Communication and Information has blocked 190 pirated sites and content, the figure rose in 2018 to 412 pirated sites and content. The number of blocked sites and pirated content increased by 1,143 throughout 2019.

Furthermore, at the end of 2019, Kominfo firmly stated that it would block film streaming sites, including music and others that were indicated as illegal, because they violated IPR provisions. One of the main targets of Kominfo is the site, which is known as a place to watch and download movies.