Comply With The President's Order, Bogor Regency Government Gives Freedom Of Worship

JAKARTA - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, guarantees freedom of religion and worship as ordered by President Joko Widodo at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of regional heads throughout Indonesia some time ago.

"The government also continues to strive to equalize missions, steps, and strategies in maintaining tolerance for religious harmony in Bogor Regency," said Acting Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor, Tuesday, January 31, as reported by Antara.

He invited all parties to participate in maintaining harmony between religious communities in their regions. Because, according to him, awareness about mutual respect for each other in the midst of diversity needs to be echoed.

He said, between religious believers represented by the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) and several other institutions and organizations had agreed to continue to realize religious harmony.

"We have also held forums several times through the National Unity and Political Unity Agency (Bakesbangpol) with various parties such as FKUB, Ministry of Religion, religious adherents and others to increase the role and existence of various elements of society to maintain peace, togetherness and national unity in the midst of diversity," he said.

He said all parties must work together and actively encourage the creation of harmony between religious communities. Good communication is very important so that when issues arise that are sensitive can be resolved immediately.

So when there is dynamics, everything moves quickly so that sensitive issues do not spread anywhere, we coordinate with the police and related parties. In essence, we must protect and respect each other together. The hope is that peaceful and conducive social conditions will grow. Because every religious adherent is also protected by law," said Iwan Setiawan.

Meanwhile, Bambang W Tawekal from the Bogor Regency National and Political Unity Agency (Bakesbangpol) said that his party had followed up on the President's direction in the National Coordination Meeting by initiating meetings of related parties between religious believers.

"Yes, it has been followed up. In principle, everything is guided by the provisions of the applicable regulations, including discussions at FKUB as a strategic partner of the government to help realize religious harmony," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo during the National Coordination Meeting for regional heads throughout Indonesia at Sentul International Convention Center (SICC) Bogor Regency, West Java, Tuesday (17/1), reminded regional heads to be able to guarantee religious freedom and worship all religious people. Jokowi emphasized that religious freedom is guaranteed by the constitution.

"Then while also meeting with the mayor, regarding freedom of worship and freedom of religion, this is careful, this is a Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Confucian. It has the same right in worship, has the same right in terms of freedom of religion and worship, be careful," he said when opening the National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads and FKPD throughout Indonesia in Bogor.

The President said that religion and worship in Indonesia are guaranteed by the constitution. He asked all law enforcement officers to understand freedom of religion and worship.

"Religious and religious are guaranteed by our constitution, guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution Article 29 paragraph 2. Once again guaranteed by the constitution. This must be understood by the constitution, the Dandim, the Police Chief, the Regional Police Chief, the Military Commander, must understand this, the Attorney General's Office, the Attorney General's Office. Don't let the constitution lose by an agreement. The constitution must not lose by an agreement," said President Jokowi.