Police Arrest Actors Uploading Parody Songs Indonesia Raya

JAKARTA - The National Police's Directorate of Cyber Crime (Dittipidsiber) has succeeded in arresting the perpetrator who parodied the Indonesia Raya national anthem. The perpetrator is known to be an Indonesian citizen (WNI) and is still a student with the initials MDF.

"Last night, a man was arrested or arrested because we have arrested a suspect in Cianjur by the Criminal Investigators. January 2021.

The MDF was successfully arrested thanks to the cooperation of the Indonesian Police and the Malaysian Police (PDRM). This was revealed after PDRM examined a witness who was found to be a child in the area of Lahad, Datu, Sabah, Malaysia.

This boy stated that the actor of the parody song Indonesia Raya was the owner of the My Asean YouTube account in Indonesia. Based on this information, on Thursday (31/12) yesterday, the National Police Directorate General of Police moved and arrested a man with the initials MDF and a number of evidence at a rented house in West Java at around 20.00 WIB.

Dirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Slamet Uliandi said the MDF was still a student. The evidence that was secured was a Realme C2 cellphone, 1 SIM card, 1 assembled PC consisting of a CPU, monitor and speaker, 1 birth certificate in the name of the MDF and 1 KK in the name of the MDF.

The MDF is threatened with violating the ITE Law because it is suspected of having committed a criminal act of disseminating information aimed at causing hatred or hostility to certain individuals and / or community groups based on ethnicity, religion, race and between groups (SARA) as referred to in Article 45 paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

MDF is also suspected of being a criminal offense of changing the national anthem with tone, rhythm, words and other compositions with the intention of insulting or degrading the honor of the national anthem as referred to in Article 64A in conjunction with Article 70 of Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning Flags, Languages, and The National Coat of Arms, as well as the National Anthem.