Burns Of The Al Quran In Sweden, Member Of The House Of Representatives Nurul Arifin: Don't Be Too Fast

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Nurul Arifin, reminded the importance of caution in responding to the burning of copies of the Al Quran by a far-right leader that occurred in Sweden last Saturday so as not to be provoked. "We also have to be careful, because maybe this is an act of provocation, we don't know, so don't react too quickly," said Nurul, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 30. Nurul assessed that the provocative action carried out by the Swedish-Denmark far-right politician did not have too much significant impact on Indonesian society because public figures chose to take a less reactive stance. "Only what I heard is that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will summon the Ambassador from Sweden," he said.

According to him, caution in responding to provocative actions is needed so that Indonesia does not fall into the interests played by certain elements. "So do not let any actions that are provoked in nature, then be caught rawe so that making the provocation act makes us trapped in their interests," he said. I think that's the best," he added.

As quoted by Turkish news agency Anadolu, Rasmus Paludan, leader of the Stram Kurs Party (Garis Keras) burned a book Al Quran with government permission and police protection. The Swedish government allowed the burning of the Quran because it considered the action to be part of freedom of expression and opinion. The fire broke out during a demonstration opposing Turkey's request last week for Sweden to take firm action against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which Turkey considers a terror group.