"Indra Bekti Sudah Bisa Keluar Rumah, Setempatkan Diri Makan Soto Mie Bogor Mengesanya"

JAKARTA - It has been a week since Indra Bekti was allowed to leave the hospital and undergo outpatient treatment at home. Now, the 45-year-old presenter can travel out of the house.

As usual, Aldilla Jelita, Bekti's wife often informs her husband's latest condition through her Instagram account. Most recently, Bekti seemed to leave the house to undergo physiotherapology.

"The 2nd day of therapy. Our efforts are in healing Mas Indra Bekti," wrote Aldilla Jelita in her upload caption, Monday, January 30.

Not only undergoing therapy, but Dhila and Bekti, who were accompanied by two friends, also took the time to eat Bogor noodle soup.

"Thank you, Mrs. Meisya Nana and Mas Faisal for accompanying our trip and enjoying the Bogor noodle soup that Mas Indra is looking for. Even though I don't have any taste," wrote Dhila.

Dhila said that their visit to eat Bogor noodle soup was her husband's wish. Since he was still in the hospital, Bekti has often expressed her desire to eat the typical Bogor dish.

"Instead of being said to continue to want to eat his favorite.. The important thing is that my father is happy! Bismillah," he said.

Dhila also informed the condition of Bekti, who has undergone 2nd physiotherapy. Continue to improve, but Bekti is still disturbed by her normal vision. The memory of the presenter has also not returned to normal.