PLN Officers Find A Male's Body In An Empty House Shower

BOGOR - A man was found dead in an empty house in the Citra Indah Bukit Asri housing complex, Tomorrow Singapore, Jonggol District, Bogor Regency, Saturday, January 28. It is known that the victim was named George Nocke (42).

The first time George's body was found, after a PLN officer checked the house. PLN officer named Budi suspected that the foul smell came from inside the house.

After checking, Budi was surprised to see the figure of a rotting corpse lying in the bathroom of the house.

Jonggol Police Chief Kompol Mulyadi Asep Fajar said that after receiving the report, his party immediately held a crime scene to find the cause of the man's death. However, to be more detailed, the victim was taken to the hospital for further investigation.

"Meanwhile, from the statement of the family and relatives of the victims, that George has been suffering from a long illness," said Jonggol Police Chief Kompol Asep Fajar.