The Ministry Of Manpower Asked The Atnaker Of The Indonesian Embassy In Riyadh To Investigate The Placement Process Of TKW From Cianjur

Director of Placement and Protection of PMI, Ministry of Manpower, Rendra Setiawan asked the Indonesian Embassy Atnaker in Riyadh to explore the process of placing Siti Kurmeisa, a female worker (TKW) from Cianjur, so that the perpetrators of the placement can be known.

As is known, Siti Kurmeisa went viral because in a video link on Twitter of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, she begged to be sent back to Indonesia because her employer in Saudi Arabia was not treated well.

"We will oversee or monitor this problem," he said in an official statement, Sunday, January 29.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Manpower Placement and Employment Expansion (Binepenta & PKK) of the Ministry of Manpower, Suhartono, said that until now, the placement of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to work with individual employers to 19 regional countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, is still prohibited.

The prohibition is in accordance with the provisions in the Decree of the Minister of Manpower (Kepmenaker) Number 260 of 2015.

Therefore, Suhartono appealed to the public to have the courage to refuse persuasion or the lure of working abroad indicated to be carried out non-procedurally or illegally, especially to Saudi Arabia as a household worker.

Suhartono emphasized that the public must have the courage to refuse persuasion or the lure of working abroad, which is indicated to be carried out non-procedurally or illegally, especially to Saudi Arabia as a household worker.

"To find out or obtain valid information about the process of working abroad procedurally and correctly, you can visit the nearest local workforce service or one-stop integrated service for PMI (LTSA-PMI)," he said.

As previously reported, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD encouraged the Ministry of Manpower to follow up on requests for female workers (TKW) from Cianjur who claimed to have received arbitrary treatment by their employers and children.

The request for a TKW named Siti Kurmeisah to the Government of Indonesia circulated in a video clip that was retweeted by Mahfud MD. The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also "selected" the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziah to explore Siti's request.

"PMI asal Cianjur minta bantuan pemerintah untuk pulang harap @KabarMenakerRI Bu Ida dan Bu Menteri PPA Bintang membantu TKW ini," tulis Mahfud dalam akun Twitternya, @mohmahfudmd, Kamis 26 Januari.

In the video clip, the Indonesian immigrant worker (PMI) does not inform where the location works.

However, Siti gave the name of the company that brought him to work abroad at this time.