Epidemiology UI: Use Of The Solar Panel For Electric Car Battery Helps Reduce Carbon Emission

JAKARTA - Epidemiological experts in air pollution and environmental surveillance at the University of Indonesia (UI) Budi Haryanto said that the use of solar panels to produce energy for charging electric car batteries will greatly help reduce carbon emissions. "The clean energy mission must be encouraged, using solar energy, geothermal, and gas. If it is used to provide electricity, it is good," he said when contacted by Antara in Jakarta, Friday, January 27. According to Budi, battery charging facilities for electric cars are currently still being taken from power plants that use diesel fuel. Thus, said Budi, in general, the use of electric cars has not fully helped reduce carbon emissions, despite its success in reducing air pollution on the highway. "If electric cars in general do not (reduce carbon emissions), but if they reduce vehicle pollution in the road. With the large number of electric vehicles, the pollutants of air pollution sources on the highway are reduced," he said.

"In his house, which has an electric vehicle, it is necessary to have a solar cell, it will be good. PLN has also shifted to making a lot of solar cells, not burning diesel again," said the lecturer and professor at the UI Faculty of Public Health (FKM). January 28 is commemorated as International Carbon Emission Reduction Day. From this warning, it is hoped that the public will be aware of the dangers of carbon emissions. Limitation on the use of electricity at home and the efficiency of using motorized vehicles, said Budi, can help reduce carbon emissions. Budi emphasized that socialization regarding carbon emission reduction practices is important so that people are aware and imitate good habits in order to implement environmentally friendly lifestyles.