Time For Nostalgia In The Sheila On 7 Concert

JAKARTA - The performance of the band Sheila on 7 in the single concert Tunggu Aku in Jakarta received an enthusiastic response from fans. The audience filled the JiExpo Kemayoran area, Jakarta, on Saturday afternoon to present a nostalgic moment through their legendary songs.
One of them Avi, a 29-year-old woman who is from Jakarta, admitted that she was enthusiastic about waiting for Sheila's appearance on 7 after not holding a concert for a long time. Avi said he last watched Sheila's concert on 7 when he was still in school in 2011.
"The theme is very nostalgic today," said Avi when met by ANTARA at JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Saturday.
Apart from waiting for Sheila on 7's appearance, Avi was also happy because the band Chocolate helped complete the nostalgic moment. The same thing was also said by Farah (23 years old) who is the younger brother of Avi, and Ita (24 years old) who is Avi's friend.
"Because I used to be in junior high school, really, the songs were hits, booming when I was in junior high school. The songs have been like that for a long time," said Farah.
"It's the same, I've always heard the song like it. But then there's an opportunity to watch it now, so I'm really waiting, really, for the concert," continued Ita.
Avi added that he hoped that Sheila's concert on 7 Wait for Me in Jakarta could create a memory of the band even deeper.
"Hopefully it can really re-create new memories that are even more beautiful, really, even," he said. Avi and Farah both agree that Sephia is the most memorable song for themselves among Sheila's dozens of hits on 7 others. While Ita keeps its own memories of the most beautiful song I've ever had.
They hope that Sheila on 7 will perform these unforgettable songs, including the song Pejantan Tangguh which is predicted by Avi to be eagerly awaited and break up if the band is performed tonight.