Do A Working Visit To Aceh, Director General Of Oil And Gas Disbursed Two Focuss For Upstream Oil And Gas Activities

JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, paid a working visit to Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The working visit is an effort by the Government to monitor the performance and achievement of production targets from Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) in the northern part of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North Sumatra.

Tutuka Ariadji said, there are two focuses of upstream oil and gas activities in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. First, encouraging the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) and contractors to continue carrying out intensive exploration activities for the discovery of new oil and gas reserves, one of which will be carried out in WK B in the form of drilling 3 wells (exploration/appraisal) along with 3D seismic acquisition (field potential/structure Rayeu and Cunda).

"Second, so that production from the existing field can be optimized (optimized by wells, production facilities) so that the products in question can be used as capital to carry out further exploration in other potential areas," said Tutuka as quoted by VOI Saturday, January 28.

On this occasion, BPMA Planning Deputy Muhammad Mulyawan conveyed the problem related to security supply gas in Aceh where the Aceh region only has 3 working areas as gas producers. If one of these WKs stops production due to unplanned shutdown or other things, it will disrupt gas supply for Aceh and Sumbagut.

"With this situation, it is very important to optimize its production facilities by optimizing field development as done by PT. Global Energy Marketer. Moreover, the working area in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is limited to mature fields and old facilities," said Mulyawan.

Just so you know, BPMA manages and oversees the activities of WK Hulu Migas in NAD Province, consisting of 4 WK Exploration and 4 WK Exploitation, of which 3 WK Exploitation has the status of Production (WK B, WK Blok A Aceh, WK Pase).

Realization of petroleum production and condensates during 2022 at 2,217 BOPD or reaching 108 percent with a lifting target at WP&B 2023 of 1,891 BOPD.

Meanwhile, the realization of natural gas production and lifting during 2022 is 101.76 MMSCFD or 106 percent of the target and 54.58 MMSCFD, where the lifting target at WP&B 2023 is 49.70 MMSCFD.