Legal Experts Call The Extension Of The Position Period Of The Head Of The Certificate Of Manpower Of Village Apparatus

JAKARTA - University of Airlangga (Unair) Constitutional Law Expert Dr. Lanny Ramli MHum said the demands for an extension of the term of office of the village head did not reflect democracy. Lanny in Surabaya, Saturday, January 28, said that the elimination or change of the rules must have a strong legal basis and reasons and not conflict with the above rules. "The abolition or amendment of the law must pay attention to three things, namely philosophy, sociology, and juridism. Therefore, demands for the elimination of periodization and extension of the term of office of this village head do not reflect democracy," said Lanny. According to him, the reasons behind it did not come from the wishes of the villagers in accordance with Article 34 paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 of 2014, but came from the wishes of the village head himself. "The RPJMDes, which has not been completed in 6 years, of course, can be continued by the next village head because village development is not on the desoriented head, but rather fulfilling village needs," he said, quoted by Antara.

In addition, for reasons to reconcile the candidates for village heads and supporters who lost during the election, it can actually be done by providing an in-depth understanding of the essence of the election itself. Lanny also emphasized that the demand for the abolition of periodization and extension of the term of office of the village head is not good. "This reflects the trend of power, authoritarianism and intolerance because it does not give opportunities to other villagers," he asserted.