Crowding The Cops On New Year's Eve!

JAKARTA - Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Pol Rusdi Hartono, appealed to the public not to celebrate the New Year 2021 by gathering large numbers of people.

"This year it is prohibited to carry out New Year's Eve celebration activities, so that the places that are usually used for New Year's party activities from the start have been secured by officers, so that there are no activities for implementing New Years Eve," said Rusdi, at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit Office. Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday 31 December.

Several points that are the focus of security for the National Police-TNI on New Year's Eve 2021, including 45,489 churches, 1,833 locations that are usually used for New Year's Eve celebrations and 3,483 tourist attractions throughout Indonesia.

The ban on the 2021 New Year celebration follows up on the Decree of the National Police Chief Number Mak / 4 / XII / 2020 concerning Compliance with Health Protocols in the Implementation of the 2020 Christmas Holidays and the New Year 2021 dated 23 December 2020.

"Of course the National Police adhere to the principle that people's safety is the highest law. Salus populi suprema lex esto is a principle that the Police adhere to that people's safety is the highest law. Second, we all realize that the spread of COVID-19 at the national level is still high, "he said too.

In addition, restrictions on community activities were also implemented with the consideration that in previous long holidays there had been an increase in the number of people infected with COVID-19.

Apart from being asked not to celebrate the new year, the National Police also prohibited parades, convoys, parades and fireworks parties.

"If activities are found that are not in accordance with the Decree of the Chief of Police, all Polri personnel are required to take the necessary actions in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations," said Brigadier General Rusdi as well.