The Government Successfully Pressed Deforestation And Forest And Land Fire Figures, FAO Gives Appreciation

JAKARTA - Food And Agriculture (FAO) appreciates the level of deforestation or forest encroachment in Indonesia which the government has managed to suppress by up to 90 percent. This appreciation was given after they studied the State of Indonesia's Forests (SoIFO) 2020 which contained data related to the progress of Indonesian forestry.

"The rate of deforestation has fallen by almost 90 percent since its highest point at the beginning of this century. We see the government's commitment to fighting deforestation. This is very important," said FAO Representative ad interim for Indonesia, Richard Trenchard as quoted from a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, December 31st.

Appreciation was also given by FAO because the government was able to solve the problem of forest and land fires (karhutla). Richard even praised the weather modification techniques that were often carried out before the dry season reached its peak.

"We commend the efforts that have been used to overcome it, starting from weather modification technology before the peak of the dry season, and increasing community involvement in fire prevention and control," he said.

Furthermore, the organization which is under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) also appreciates the government's efforts to strengthen biodiversity conservation, conservation and restoration on 16 million hectares of peatlands.

According to Richard, the Directorate General of KSDAE, has done an important job to manage this challenge effectively. Moreover, Indonesia has 554 conservation areas with a total area of 27.4 million hectares, so this work is considered extraordinary.

Finally, Richard also appreciated the government's innovation through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in monitoring forest resources, including a commitment to restore more than 600 thousand mangroves by 2024.

In addition, the government's ongoing efforts to deal with climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as a commitment to resolve land tenure conflicts, are also considered worthy of appreciation.

Then, FAO also expressed its support for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry which is directly involved in four of the seven development agendas in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020-2024.

"Let me once again praise Minister Siti and the Ministry for this extraordinary report," said Richard.

"FAO and other partners in the United Nations, including other agencies based in Rome, IFAD and WFP together with UNDP, UNEP, UNOPS, continue to work hand in hand to support the Ministry and other parts of government, bringing the latest technology, innovative approaches, technical capacity to Ministry work. progress and ensure that Indonesia's forest resources are managed sustainably and that the many important challenges that remain can be overcome in the future, "he added.

Meanwhile, regarding the issuance of SoIFO, the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya said that not many countries were able to compile it. The issuance of SoIFo 2020, he said, is a promise of the Indonesian government which, although it is non-legally binding, will continue to be renewed in the future.

`` The presence of SoIFo 2020 is important, especially for ranks who are always reminded to always Write You Do and Do What You Write. Don't make it up. With that simple principle, we also build productive values for this nation, in addition to building positive energy which is very, very much needed, '' he concluded.