Local Culture Must Be Developed, Vice President: If It Is Only Contested, It Will Become A Fossil

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said local culture should not only be preserved. Local culture also needs to be developed so that it does not only become "fossile".

"Efforts to advance and preserve the nation's culture require an active role and initiative from the wider community. So, not only preserving, but also developing and providing wider values. Because, if it only preserves, it will only become fossil, does not have an influence, only sustainable," said Ma'ruf Amin when opening the 2023 Minahasa Cultural Pre-Congress at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday, January 26, quoted by Antara.

Masyarakat sebagai pemilik budaya dapat membantu merumuskan strategi pengembangan budaya dan solusi somelesaikan masalah di bidang kebudayaan, misalnya dalam menghadapi sekali tantangan akibat globalization, modernisasi, dan kemajuan teknologi digital.

"National culture formed by various local wisdoms, which are rooted in the culture of each region, will contribute to the resilience and resilience of the nation in the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," he explained.

According to him, local culture also functions as a frame to maintain national harmony.

"So, there are four frames, yes, that is the first political frame, namely Pancasila, the State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 45, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. That is the national political framework, but there are also those who fence it through the juridical framework, rules so that it doesn't happen (conflict)," said the Vice President.

The juridical frames include the rules in the election so that conflicts do not arise in the election.

"But there is also a theological frame, namely the theology of harmony, religious understanding that does not bring understanding of conflict, but harmony. Well, the fourth important frame is local wisdom," he added.

"The cultural frames must be maintained together," he said.

"Because everything teaches harmony. In Batak there is Natolu's Dilihan, then Minahasa 'Torang All Body', then Pela Gandong in Maluku. The meaning is to maintain harmony," he added.

With local culture as a frame for maintaining harmony, the Vice President is optimistic that Indonesia can maintain harmony, including during general elections.

"Including the election, there will not be (a conflict), it can even solve, prevent conflicts. Therefore, it needs to be developed as developed by Minahasa. Indeed, culture must be revived, not only preserved, liven up its values," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.