In South Kalimantan, Crowding At New Year's Eve Will Be Tested For Antigen Quickly

JAKARTA - The Head of South Kalimantan Regional Police Inspector General Pol Rikwanto said that people who gather on New Year's Eve will be tested for antigen rapid (rapid test) if they do not want to disperse.

"We strictly forbid crowds on New Year's Eve, if they are stubborn, they will immediately be tested for COVID-19," he said at a joint rally with New Year security in Banjarmasin, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 31.

Rikwanto emphasized that the government is not playing games in its efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially at the end of the year. So that the authorities resolutely disperse any crowd in any form. This includes prohibiting gatherings on the road and motorized vehicle convoys.

The Provincial Government of South Kalimantan has prepared 10 thousand antigen rapid test kits. If a reactive result is found during the New Year's Eve examination, the person concerned will be immediately taken to the Bapelkes and the Hajj Dormitory to undergo quarantine.

"The joint TNI-Polri team together with Satpol PP and the COVID-19 Task Force will conduct patrols. If there are still cafes that are open, they will be immediately sealed according to the Banjarmasin Regulation," said the two-star general.

Rikwanto advised the members on duty to continue to prioritize humanist attitudes. Even so, assertiveness in enforcing the rules is a fixed price.

"The principle is that keeping the social security situation conducive is the main thing. Second, preventing an increase in COVID-19 cases from the emergence of the New Year cluster," he said.

Meanwhile, the Governor of South Kalimantan, Sahbirin Noor, appealed to the people of Bumi Lambung Mangkurat to comply with government policies in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"Let us care for others by complying with health protocols. With this disciplined attitude, we are optimistic that the pandemic chain can be broken as soon as possible," he said.

Also attending the joint rally were Danrem 101 / Antasari Brigadier General TNI Firmansyah, Head of South Kalimantan Police Brigadier General Winarto, Danlanal Banjarmasin Colonel Laut (P) Sandharianto and Danlanud Sjamsudin Noor Colonel Pnb M Taufiq Arasj.