Coal Transportation Activities 8 Company In Bengkulu Disetop Sementara Imbas Antrean Kapal Tongkang

As many as eight companies in Bengkulu Province were asked to temporarily stop coal transportation activities. The request for the impact of two barges has not yet reached sea, trapped by high waves leaning on the port of Baai Island, Bengkulu.

The Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) imposed the ban as a solution to unraveling congestion that occurred at the port entrance of Baai Island.

"The government is taking steps related to the long queue of coal trucks that occurred at the entrance to the port of Baai Island," said Assistant II of the Bengkulu Provincial Secretariat Fachriza Razie in Bengkulu City, Thursday, January 26, confiscated by Antara. The Department of Transportation and the Department of Mineral Resources Energy (ESDM) of Bengkulu Province has coordinated with the APBB to coordinate the termination of truck vehicles to ports. Currently, only two barges are leaning and are in the charging stage, so the number of queueing trucks is reduced because there are 16 tons of coal being lifted. It is targeted, explained Fachriza, that coal filling is complete until Friday and two high-wave trapped barges can dock at the port of Baai Island on Saturday, January 21.

"It is hoped that two barges trapped in high waves can dock at the port so that the cargo from the remaining queues of coal trucks can be filled," he said.

Meanwhile, currently Pelindo Regional 2 Bengkulu is building a road and causing long queues because there is only one route that can be used. Head of the Bengkulu Province Transportation Service Bambang Agus Seprabudi explained that his party had prepared parking bags for coal trucks that entered the Baai Island area. "This long queue of coal trucks is not due to an increase in the number of vehicles entering Bengkulu Province," he said.