Governor Of South Sulawesi Issues Circular, New Year Celebration Parties And Playing Firecrackers Are Prohibited

JAKARTA - The Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, issued a Circular Number 443.2 / 9469 / Dinkes concerning the Implementation of Community Activities During the 2021 New Year Holidays in the New Era Life Order in South Sulawesi Province, as of December 30, 2020.

Reported by Antara, Thursday, December 31, Nurdin Abdullah said he paid attention to the high rate of transmission of COVID-19 cases in Indonesian territory, including South Sulawesi Province.

Including the increasing flow of visits to South Sulawesi Province which has an impact on the high potential of crowds during the holidays welcoming the new year 2021, so it needs to be anticipated.

"So it is necessary for all parties to maintain health, comfort, security and safety," said Nurdin Abdullah in a circular in Makassar, Wednesday, December 30.

Furthermore, based on these things, it is hoped that all parties will comply with health protocols in implementing community activities during the holidays welcoming the new year 2021 as follows:

1. Domestic Travel Players (PPDN) who will enter the South Sulawesi region must follow the following conditions:

a. Responsible for the health of each, and comply with the terms and conditions that apply.

b. For those who travel by air, must show a negative result of the Antigen Rapid Test before departure and fill out the Indonesian e-HAC.

c. Those who travel via land and sea transportation must show a negative result of the Rapid Antigen test before departure.

d. Certificate of Rapid Antigen Test Results is valid for 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of issue.

e. While in South Sulawesi Province, it is mandatory to have a valid negative result of the Antigen Rapid Test.

f. For Domestic Travel Players (PPDN) departing from South Sulawesi Province, a valid Negative Result of the Antigen Rapid Test can be used for return trips to South Sulawesi Province.

g. Children under 12 years of age are not required to have a Negative Result Certificate for the Rapid Test Antigen as a condition of travel.

2. International travelers must follow the provisions in the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Circular Number: 4 of 2020.

3. Any person, business actor, manager, organizer or holder of responsibility for public places and facilities who carry out activities during the holiday welcoming the new year 2021.

a. Must implement health protocol, namely. 1) put on the mask properly. 2) wash hands with soap in running water or with a hand sanitizer. 3) limit physical interactions and always maintain a distance. 4) no crowds. 5) limiting activities in public places / crowds.

b. Strictly prohibited. 1) organizing New Year celebration parties and the like indoors and / or outdoors. 2) using firecrackers, fireworks and the like, and 3) drinking alcohol.

4. Every Domestic Travel Agent (PPDN). International Travel Players, Business Actors, Managers, Organizers or Person in Charge of Places and Public Facilities who violate the provisions as referred to in numbers 1 to 3 will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

5. Regents / Mayors, Heads of Villages / Lurahs, as well as related parties to coordinate, communicate and socialize this Circular to be implemented in an orderly, disciplined and responsible manner.

6. To the Commander of Kodam XIV Hasanuddin and the Head of South Sulawesi Regional Police, requested to carry out disciplinary enforcement operations to ensure the implementation of this Circular Letter.

7. This Circular Letter will take effect from the date it was signed until January 14, 2021 and will be subject to a strict evaluation according to the development of the COIVID-19 finding case in South Sulawesi.

This Circular Letter is submitted to be implemented with discipline and full responsibility. Thank you for your cooperation.

Meanwhile, a copy of the circular

1. Chairperson of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, in Jakarta. 2. Minister of Home Affairs, in Jakarta. 3. Minister of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta. 4. Minister of Health RI, in Jakarta. 5. Minister of BUMN RI, in Jakarta. 6. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta and 7. Chairman of the DPRD of South Sulawesi Province, in Makassar.

It is known that the circular was addressed to the Commander of Kodam XIV Hasanuddin, Head of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Head of South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office, Regents / Mayors in South Sulawesi, Domestic Travel Actors (PPDN), International Travel Players, Business Actors, Managers, Organizers or Person in Charge of Places and Public Facilities throughout South Selawesi.